Sunday, August 17, 2008


For the past week, I have been sick and it took a turn and have gotten worse on friday, which is the day I am performing for my duty. It was a terrible 12 hours!

Oh YES, obedience is once again reminded to me. On saturday, the verse in 1 Samuel 15:22 kept on ringing on my head.

But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD ? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

Samuel is actually rebuking Saul for not obeying. Saul acted in disobedience even though he says that he wanted those animals for God. Obedience is really something we have to keep ourselves on our toes all the time. It is our natural tendency to disobey, to do what seems "smarter" and more "beneficial" in our eyes than to obey. As our knowledge increases, it can be easy to just depend on our own judgment, analytical and whatever abilities we have instead of turning to the Word and apply obedience to God in whatever situations.

God demands full obedience. God is grieved that Saul(verse11) was made King and did not fully heed the Lord's instructions. Actually, being a leader is not really about talent and skills. Its really obeying God fully. Obedience helps us be more effective leaders as it enables God's blessing to come upon our lives. If our hearts are really true after God, there is no way God can't use us.

So let's really watch out for obedience in our daily walk with God and in ministry. Ask "what God wants?" Not what I want nor what seems good alone but what God really wants. Striving to God's standard should be our ideal. It's so easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing and then we start to compare ourselves to them. Instead of pursuing what God wants in our lives, many leaders have ran after other people's achievements and get caught up in a rat race that don't belong to them. Obedience will make our vision clearer. If we start obeying step by step, more things will be revealed to us yea..

I am not ashamed of the vision God gave to me and I wanna be fully obedient to Him and to the vision. God, help me, I know I have acted in disobedience many times but help me to stand up against it. To act according to Your will, instead of mine. Lord really help me and empower me. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

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