Monday, August 25, 2008

Can we, Asians, think?

On saturday, I bought many books, 16 of them altogether! Due to the Hope sale, the books are just 3 for $1. I hope to read finish all of them before my ORD haha. One of the interesting book I bought is titled "Can Asians think?" When the book caught Joy's eye, her reaction was like "ohh we are Asians, of course we can think!" Contrastingly, my reaction is like "oh I'm an Asian so I'm wondering if I can think." Haha. This contrast in response was later to be unveiled when I read the first chapter of the book. Can Asians think? The answers: Yes, no, maybe. 'Maybe' poses the strongest argument so far.


In the past, the East has often seen the West as more superior. Their rise in economic powers and colonialism has given us that impression. Asia seems to be lagging behind. China was once a thousand year civilisation that has invented paper, gunpowder and even currencies. But after the 18th century, the West has risen. Europe and the US were the superpowers. The only more modern and perceived as a more democratic Asian nation was Japan then.

Asia has always wanted to emulate the West's success. The influence of the West also spread during the Cold War. Some Asian thinkers believed that to succeed is to follow the way of democracy, of which the West at that time, is strongly propagating.

China started to open its economy to the rest of the world and since then has seen tremendous growth in its economy. The 4 Tigers of Asia - Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea has also seen great rise economically. From then til now, we have seen China's success despite it still not turning to democracy. More and more people are starting to believe that democracy is not the only political ideology that can achieve success for a nation.

Even til now, China is still continuing to face problems on its home front. Although the growth of Asian nations were phenomenal, it has yet to attain to the stability and peace that Western nations has enjoyed. (this book was published in 1998) Even US today faces war on two countries, perhaps there is no Western nation that will see a civil war nor huge conflicts within (except perhaps for Ireland). The issue of Taiwan still exists, there is still Vietnam, The Philippines and a state of a certain amount of dissatisfaction with the political systems that we have.

This proves one more thing. The problems and state of Asia is so diverse and unique to each nation, we cannot merely copy Western methods to solve these problems and advance forward in the economic and political world front. In another sense, we are forced or driven to the wall to think.

In the past, Asian nations has seen the West as more superior, and would like to emulate them. But today, countries such as China have grown so much, by adopting positions and policies that is peculiar to its own culture, refusing democracy. From a probably more extreme Mao period, to present-day after the Olympics, it has now become more 'balanced' and pragmatic in the world stage. It has been adapting more and more comfortably in its niche role in the world. Because of this, many Beijing-ers agree that China will be asked to be involve more in the world such as interventions and peace making etc.

In the US, Barack Obama poses hope to the nation which has been in 8 years of war and goose-chasing in the Middle East, allowed China to run closer and closer in its tracks. He is a more popular candidate outside US perhaps of his more favourable media attention. However, his main task of proving himself is not only on its foreign relations (or impressions), but problems homefront as well. So far, none has asked the question "can the Westerners think or not?" as their intellect superiority still looms. The question "can Asians think?" is a question only Asians can answer. Longing to see how China does in the next 4-5 years will be equally anticpative to how US perform in front of many watchful eyes. Whether can Asians think is still a "maybe". We can be sure that when the answer comes to "yes" it will be a great surprise to many.

Saturday night, Karshun and I met up to go to Charlie's house to stay overnight as Charlie was fetching us to the Army Half Marathon. We are all tired at night so we slept very quickly. Charlie and I ran 10km but Karshun ran 21km. 10km was quite a breeze but I think 21km will really be challenging!

The place was quite muddy. I thought they should cover the ground with something rather than setting up barricades near the Padang for the event. The soles of my shoes came off, it was tangling 3/4 of its length and slapping mud to the person standing behind me every step I took. It was quite funny to me. It was really easy to start a mud war there, especially the area where you can collect your bananas, 100 plus and mineral waters. Met some of my secondary school friends, Sispec mates, as well as Minister Teo!

Oh, in the end, the soles went off entirely. One shoe was without a sole aka its "soul" lol. But Kar Shun refreshed us by letting us use his house bathroom, thereafter I went to meet some RP and NYP guys for a meaningful time at Kai En's house near Bt Batok and Bt Gombak. The 3 of them Charlie, Kar Shun and Kelvin went to service with a tired state of mind but it was really tiring day overall. Had headaches and fatigue after the run.. haha

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Jesus U Must Praise = JUMP

Just came back from JUMP concert. I'm starting to feel like 21 especially the song about Jump came out. The song was by Planet Shakers. Its great to praise Jesus and dance as we rejoice but whenever I hear the lyrics "I think it's time to just get up and jump around now Everybody jump around In the house of God" it just makes me feel funny. Let's just get up and jump around? haha

Anyway it was great to see the brothers, even some who are new; they were at ease to just praise the Lord and dance! I see that some of our people really have leadership potential. They are hungry for God's Word and they are sensitive to correction to change in amazing speed. Many of them will be greatly used by God. The desire and right motives coupled with these qualities I believe will make them good leaders :) All of us should desire to be shepherds to our new bros and sis just like a bigger brother looking after the younger one. Its that natural.

God is moving! Let's move in His way and see results in His timing!

Monday, August 18, 2008

God is really good. That is why I am able to be at home at this time! Praise God!!

Talk about obedience. Its easier to be obedient actually. It may actually be called silly but obedience is actually humbly telling ourselves "God is smarter so God I let you make the choice, I'll choose your choice."

In fact, all the things we've studied, geography, science, history etc etc - none of them, even nature's law are above God. Laws of nature as we term it, are actually laws of God which nature has to obey. God can do anything and some times He can even reverse or "subdue" the laws for a moment, if its according to His will. Following and being fully obedient to God is the smartest way. Its the highest way. Man struggles on his own when he follows his own way and then wants God to help him. The more we follow God however, the more we walk into His plan, the more anointing comes because we are doing His will and the more success we see.

Obedience takes faith. Yep yep, I wanna obey You Lord. Help me! Small things or big help us obey You Lord so Your face may shine on us!

Weekend's gonna be tiring! Friday we're gonna have JUMP concert at Fort Canning Green, Saturday night we're gonna have DMM and Sunday early morning is the Army Half Marathon but I'm only running a short 10km.

Till then, I pray for all of NYP Hopetians to do well and able to focus on their studies. At the same time Lord, help them be a salt and light to the world. Let their unity be evident to all. Let them do everything knowing its for the extension of Your Kingdom! Give them good grades. Give them this burning desire to be excellent in everything, even ministry as well! In Jesus' Name Amen.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


For the past week, I have been sick and it took a turn and have gotten worse on friday, which is the day I am performing for my duty. It was a terrible 12 hours!

Oh YES, obedience is once again reminded to me. On saturday, the verse in 1 Samuel 15:22 kept on ringing on my head.

But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD ? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

Samuel is actually rebuking Saul for not obeying. Saul acted in disobedience even though he says that he wanted those animals for God. Obedience is really something we have to keep ourselves on our toes all the time. It is our natural tendency to disobey, to do what seems "smarter" and more "beneficial" in our eyes than to obey. As our knowledge increases, it can be easy to just depend on our own judgment, analytical and whatever abilities we have instead of turning to the Word and apply obedience to God in whatever situations.

God demands full obedience. God is grieved that Saul(verse11) was made King and did not fully heed the Lord's instructions. Actually, being a leader is not really about talent and skills. Its really obeying God fully. Obedience helps us be more effective leaders as it enables God's blessing to come upon our lives. If our hearts are really true after God, there is no way God can't use us.

So let's really watch out for obedience in our daily walk with God and in ministry. Ask "what God wants?" Not what I want nor what seems good alone but what God really wants. Striving to God's standard should be our ideal. It's so easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing and then we start to compare ourselves to them. Instead of pursuing what God wants in our lives, many leaders have ran after other people's achievements and get caught up in a rat race that don't belong to them. Obedience will make our vision clearer. If we start obeying step by step, more things will be revealed to us yea..

I am not ashamed of the vision God gave to me and I wanna be fully obedient to Him and to the vision. God, help me, I know I have acted in disobedience many times but help me to stand up against it. To act according to Your will, instead of mine. Lord really help me and empower me. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Monday, August 11, 2008


Today in DMM, Huimei taught a timely lesson about Determination, Dillgence and Perseverance. I feel we haven't been determined enough in terms of goal setting and reaching for the goals. Yeah we shall be more single minded in serving Jesus! It reminds me of everything we do, we should do it for God. Whether eating, resting, cutting hair, we do it all with people and to win people! Winning inside and winning outside.

If we set out to do something, we must finish it. Missions!!

I don't know if this is humility or pride. Its kinda both. I wanna change something because I feel its not up to standard and its not God's way yet. Because a lack of this thing, many problems arose that I can feel is also causing a misbalance in the way we apply truth. But I feel that people ought to accept what I suggest since its clearly in the Bible! (at least to me!!)

This thing is not even new lol! I'm not being creative, just trying to be faithful. So the pride comes when I feel I do not need to explain or persuade because this is something they ought to do. But I'm constantly reminded to deny my rights. If I do not deny, nothing will be done. Yet at this time when the results look so blur to me, I'm trying hard to give my best even though I couldn't see what's coming ahead. Then there comes a time for me to be humble and ask God to work instead of I work.

Its times like this I'm perplexed of the things I'm pursuing. But I'm still pursuing it. Haha.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I know that You love me
Even times when I'm not aware
I know that You care
Even times when no one's there

Wow there is really alot of things to say here. First of all, I received a news on thurs that caused my heart to sank. That is the last thing I hope anybody around me gets to experience this - getting charged. But I thank God I am able to share the burden of a friend. It isn't heavy at all because we know God is in control. It is light, though my heart sank, but it floated again, with God's assurance. haha Really pray that everything will be fine and alright.

There is really so many things to rejoice about everyday!
I rejoice for a convert Rita last saturday!
I rejoice for a salvation in NYP on thursday!
I rejoice for a lovely DMM (in order of age) Huimei, Joy, Weihong, Chris, Celestine, Desiree, Evangeline, Stanley and myself.
I rejoice for some of the things happening more and more as we taught biblically. It really isn't enough or at its fullest but it is PROGRESSing and things are moving! So I rejoice!
-Communications became a little more clearer between one another!

-Relationship with one another in DMM grew closer, more fellowship, more love for one another.

-Spirit of teamwork. Some people may prevail more in the ultimate decision but there must be a common spirit in agreement and unity. Teams operating powerfully. That is what we long to see.

-Spirit of giving. Giving time and money and effort, IMFs, Study Kits, Bookmarks, people just kept doing things for the people for their good, for their comfort, for their benefit.

-Moving in the Spirit. As some grew more in the Lord and being sensitive to God, they start to operate more in spiritual gifts.

-Exemplarary leadership. Thank God the leadership is setting the pace that will flow down to the group. They are excited about the vision, setting forth the right direction and firm foundation.

-Courage. Thank God for the courage of our people in doing God's work. I find that they really have courage to do outreach and there is seldom a sense of fear in them. They are just so... READY! They go and share the gospel, they go and talk to their friends so naturally. Its scary to plant caregroups in all the courses but our people believe it can be done! Own a course today!!

-Hunger. Hunger is a healthy thing. In army, just after 10+am, I grow hungry already. Haha.
Hunger is what I sense in the people. They are hungry for God, hungry for more of God's power and His blessings, hungry for the Word and that allows them to be fed and satisfied when we teach the Word of God. Let's continually keep this hunger and grow more in the Lord. If we have this hunger, the Word of God can seep into our lives better and we will never fail to grow!

-Commitment. Really thank God for the commitment of people. Indeed I seldom hear complains. Maybe there are but most of our people are sweet spirited. We all have flaws but we don't magnify others' flaws but accept them. Thanks for accepting me, accepting your cg, accepting your CLs!

That's why I continually thank God for all of you in my prayers...

My prayer is the DMM will be strong, more and more people will rise up in faith to be leaders for the people. If we look as it is a title or position, a heavy yoke then I think we think too highly of ourselves. God can use anybody. He don't have to use me to be a leader, neither He needs any of us. However, it is a privilege He chose to involve us - men without anything special, to be His instrument, to carry out His work. We work, He works through us and His work just carry on.

Wonder how come Paul is so powerful? Because he used to be very sinful!
1 Timothy 1:13-17
13Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 14The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 15Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. 17Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

He didn't say he was not good enough for God or chose to run away. But He accepts God's grace in His life and allow his life to be a demonstration of God's power, patience, love and many other things.

If we are so good already, what is there left to show? Won't our pride be a hindrance to show forth God's glory? Because God chose those who feel they are weak, so that His strength might be shown forth through them... "When I am weak, then I am strong."

1 Corinthians 1
26Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29so that no one may boast before him.

So with God, we can do all things. Whether good or bad, we give thanks, its nothing about ourselves but everything about Him! One aim in life that is to please and glorify Him! Praise The Lord for what He's done and His good work in YOU!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

God blesses His people!

God is really good! Terrfically goood!

I actually haven't got my air tickets for the Hong Kong LC trip a while ago, because I am checking and waiting for the prices of the tickets on to drop. Then surprisingly a sister Abigail approached me to buy over her tix as she could not go in the end. So I decided to, why not? She is also giving me a discount!

Then the prices of the tickets skyrocketed recently that I have to pay extra $500 over bucks for fare differences and some extra charges. So I waited. Some people around me suggested me to take SIA or some non-budget airlines instead since it is already so ex with Jet star. I searched the internet and actually found some good deals.

But at night when I was praying, I came to my senses and made up my mind that its not about the deals but I want to take the same flight as my brothers and sisters! So I decided to pray and ask God to drop the price of the current ticket price so that when Abi transfer her tix to me, the extra fare difference will be lesser.

The next day I checked the tix, it really dropped a great deal!! Nearly half! So I'm ready to advance hahhaa. But Andrew called me and told me the fare difference is still $XXXAfter he hanged up and talked to the operator it became $141!! That means I can still reimburse Abi $60 as she is not going!

God is good!