Sunday, April 8, 2007

This is my best Easter so far! I really really thank Jesus sooo much in my life. This easter service reminds me of WHY - why. Christianity is not a baseless religion but a relationship and so when we are busying and caught up with our 'doing', we can ask the question "why".

Hebrews 13:5
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

Why did Jesus die on the cross - for me and u
Why do we not feel God all the time - You cannot see God and so, we cannot use our senses to base our relationship with God. We know He loved us and He did touch our lives at some point or another but we cannot base it on feeeling all the time. But we can remind ourselves the experiences we had with Him - answered prayers, healings, Holy Spirit baptism, life changing times etc... It is a relationship by faith and constantly inspired by consistently walking right in His ways. When we walk in His ways, He promised that He will be with us. Mat 28:19-20

Why do we serve God?
Why do we love others?
Why do we come to church?
Why do we face problems?

All these are real questions and there's also a real answer = Jesus

After service, went down to Richard's house and drank the stew soup made by his grandma hahaha... inside there is lamb, potato and onions!! All are so tasty. The onions don't have much taste inside the soup so I just swallowed it.

I am hungry of Your presence...

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