Saturday, April 21, 2007

I really love thursday. After having a heartwarming caregroup on wed, I looked forward to thursday in going to church office to listen to sermon and teaching tapes. I really looked forward to it and the real expository preaching being taught and the Word of God being taught in the way God wants it. We don't say the Word being taught is exactly the way God wants it or exactly perfect to scripture. However, as we desire to teach the heart of God out through His words in the Bible, that's where God's blessings arises.

So Andrew and I met and we took bus there. On the way, I was sharing with him about NYP A. As I share more, I grew more and more excited. Really thank God for many good hearted people He has sent to my group! In my mind were soo many things of them. One had parental objection yet desires to take on leadership role, there are people who just so desire the Word of God, there's a guy who accompanied a freshmen to club crawl. This freshmen's from a Christian family but doesn't really know God personally. So this guy suggested jokingly to the freshmen to join the Buddhist Society and convert everyone in it so that this club may be called "Buddhist Society" in the future with a tagline "BUT we are Christians.." How cool is that?!!!!

You might have guessed who this joker was. But I am really so enlarged in my heart and vision for God when this brother shared this to me. We want the whole campus to be saved. Better filled with God's people. But this alone is NOT what God wants. Better not be Christians who just wanna warm the phew on sat service or doesn't hold any truths in the Bible. This kind of group I've seen enough, they fell in the end. We must have it the way Jesus will like it. When He looks down, does He only desire to see numbers? Churches need to have standards. The level of our people practicing the Word and understanding the Word is the current standard of our group. No matter how the standards fall short of God's perfect standard doesn't mean we don't have a standard. This standard must increase or "level up" so we may grow from glory to glory.

God smiles when He sees multitudes worshipping Him but He dance and rejoices when He sees multitudes fully committed to Him. Numbers alone is too narrow a vision, we will take on the world but with God's lenses. People must stand fully for righteousness, making disciples, winning souls and do all of this biblically.

Bus screeched at the bus stop and we walked to the church office...

In the church office, Jasmine helped us got the tapes and such but the TV and electrical systems wasn't properly set up. She just so naturally went and fix the wires or something for the TV and the systems for us. I dunno why, I am really touched at this sight. Not wanting to waste her time but let her concentrate on her work, I asked her to go do her work lor... But in my heart, I am moved by the welfare of spiritual food.

Church is a family that operates a farm, have an army to conquer more lands for farming, a small hospital at a corner for the large army and a True God-Father watching over it, being delighted with what He sees.

I want the group to be a group that truly loves one another. We may lose people or lose money or lose whatever, just don't take away this love for one another!

1 comment:

deadlyeven said...

Hey! Jobb here... Dun care abt the deadlyeven thingy.. Think a tagboard maybe better than a comment's page..

(Ps: I have added an extra b to my name..)