Saturday, April 14, 2007


I am spending my saturdays for the past 3 weeks being a teacher's assistant in a primary school for an external education co. It was really worthwhile to spend my early mornings for these kids. They are so cute hahaha.... but more than that, they have a innocent nature. Last week, we gave out some aeroplanes that they can play and experiment with principles of science. Today a young boy(7-8 years old) just came to me and ask me for another aeroplane cos he said his younger brother who is 5 years old "destroyed my aeroplane." He is very naughty but today became quieter because of no more aeroplane... bet his brother is one "la pi xiao xin"

I don't really see the bad side of them. I wonder how some teachers call these kids "monsters." Because I'm the assistant, I just played with them, tickle some of them, get them to focus on what the teacher is saying. Along the way, as they are distracted, I just go along and ask them what they are doing. With patience and "acting like a big brother" I think many of them were quite obedient to what I ask them to do.

In parenting, I think the impatience of many parents in their tone or behaviour has alot of side effects for their children psychologically. The children are unable to express their fullest potential, either become very rebellious or become very quiet. Personality disrupted. Communication breaks down in the parent-child relationship and some exploded some time later...

When I see how we relate to our heavenly Father, He is so patient! Many times, we just take God for granted. Soon after we got used to our own lives, we kick Him aside. When problems come then we cry to Him. Unlike our earthly parents, their imperfections ensures their constant presence.

Last night, I quarrelled with my mom. I do have some little bickerings with both my mom and dad once in a moon. Whenever, I hear them say things or have ideas that are not from the Bible or the best perspective they could ever have, I will just think this in my heart "imperfect parents are like that... unlike our perfect heavenly Father" I reflected last night and it dawned upon me that my parents probably also have an idea that their son is not like Jesus...

That is the fact we are living on today... constantly relating with people who are imperfect, just as we ourselves are. All of us are imperfect. People may think untruths about us, speak maliciously or shows in their behaviour they don't like you but we still gotta love them because God loves us. And without Jesus in our lives, it'll be so hard to love people. As Christians who follow God, we may have frictions here and there, but because with a relationship with God, through the years I realised that all these are kept in control. They will not explode like how some kids hated their parents, abandon their parents or sibling-hatreds etc etc. Relationships with men becomes better as our relationship with God becomes closer. With God, its a win-win situation. After the bickering, my mom and I just talked as if nothing has happened, just a little bit more polite and appreciative of one another because there's love because of God...

That's why I say "without God, no equation fits."

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