Thursday, December 11, 2008


I am thinking about this thing called 'Vision' recently. I honestly feel a little inadequate or misfitted when I share about vision few saturdays ago. Is it because the vision have diluted?

As I survey the Bible and some real life examples of people who have vision, I think what I have now doesn't yet amount to a vision. Its probably a desire, probably something that it'll be fantastic to have but a vision is something you can see with your eyes, see it with your faith(Abraham believed his descendants will be numerous like the stars) and you will pour out your heart and life into it. A vision is really something more than just wanting to enlarge your group.

A vision should be something that we will be willing to pour our life into! Abraham believed God when God called him and he left his hometown immediately with his family, relatives and all his possessions!

Hebrews 11:8
"By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. "

Our vision should be God's vision, like Hope of God vision, which came from God and indeed the person believed. Now we have more churches than we ever thought we could have. But if our vision is really world vision, really God's vision, we will not stop here. We will not wanna compare with other churches or envy churches... We wanna run our own race! We should run to what God has been telling us all along - to build the church His way! Not just any standard will do.

When our vision is short of what God wants us to do, it will get stuck somewhere, some time. Some people's vision is only to get big numerically but they don't get the kind of picture that has the kind of quality, the kind that will erect and multiply into so many more. The kind that people love to go, not have to go, the kind that everyone is so committed to walking with God. When we hear of things such as people going to church because of programs that are fun, for girls, for friends... it just feels that they are missing out something so much more bigger! Wouldn't it be different to have a vision for your life that you can pour your whole life into it, like the man who sold everything to pursue God's Kingdom. Matthew 13:45-46

It will get stuck somewhere if people are not released and have the liberty to get into God's vision for the world! The question we have to ask is not how many we have now, we have to ask how many is going to stand with us on the last days! We should not focus on short term methods to grow and neglect the long term vision.

People must be growing spiritually and growing to walk with God. Only a community that is fully committed to God can change the world. The world sometimes scoff at the idea of church because they probably don't see any real value of the church or its because Christians are not setting the example to build the biblical church. That's why people's idea of church get distorted. We can't blame people.

If we are to seriously walk with God; simple humble and people who love one another and love God deeply, the kingdom of darkness will be afraid. We wanna obey Him fully. We are gentle yet aggressive. We wanna be a church that has a world vision worth giving your life for. I think that's just the ideal. Missions is a means. Going to missions trip is good and fantastic thing to see what God is doing. But if we don't have that vision, we are just looking at what God is doing in the world and peering at His exciting plan through a periscope.

Now what I'm describing is a dream, its a desire. We haven't reached the point where we give our lives to a vision. Some people may think this is fanatic but I think man has always been ideal. We can be as fanatic as the Bible allows us. People never think we can fly but the Wright brothers invented the airplane! If Jesus is real and He indeed gave us the Great Commission, why should we be acting like He is less. Jesus is worth living your life at the edge.

Now what I'm saying is a picture. Its probably cos there is the theoretical part and the exciting part in action. I am just like smelling what God is brewing but I'd really long for a specific vision that I can live for. As for all of us, let us continue to walk with God and love Him so much. Walk with Him faithfully and serve Him and you will find God reveal to you part by part and He will send you to fulfill that part of the vision that will change so many lives. God's world vision is too big for any one man to fulfill. Every one has a part to play. The stupid thing is to think we can do it without Him. God must be in the picture and it shouldn't be like just you doing your own thing, working your human way and try to by "brute force" trying to be fruitful. God should be real and alive in everything we do. Let us patiently and faithfully walk with Him, pray earnestly, learn the principles to serve Him and apply them. Amen.

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