Sunday, November 23, 2008

Movie, late NIGHT, Math & Relationship

During the weekdays of last week, I think quite a number of people fell sick. I was one of them, and I know a couple of friends were, Weikang was one of them too.

I went to buy the tickets with Joy for the DMM movie outing for birthday boy Weihong in the morning. Its a math problem about the tix, I thought there is gonna be 8 people in total for DMM but there's 9 actually (I didn't count myself!). But while thinking it was 8 only and 1 person wouldn't come so it ought to be 7 tix, I still wanted to order 8. But this doesn't seem to make sense, so there's a mini "commotion" happening about 7 or 8 tix at the tickets counter for a couple of seconds and when I looked up the ticketeers' face at the end, it looks kinda weird. It was funny thinking back.

But it was settled in the end, thankfully, 9 people were able to watch movie "Body of Lies" together which stars Weihong's fav actor Leonardo Dicaprio. I'm glad Guan Quan, Yiyou as well as Stephen joined us. During the show, I was actually quite impressed with both Russell and Leonardo's acting style. Leonardo's acting here reminds me of "Blood Diamond" while Russell's performance didn't drift too much away from the way he talks and acts in "A Beautiful Mind". These two are fabulous shows. "Body of Lies" however is a show that probably there's nothing much to ponder or think about after it.

The show ended late and I reached Si-Han's home at 4.15am. Thank God he woke up to open the door. But I couldn't sleep till like 5am though I yawned a few times in the bus. In the morning, we watched The Simpsons season 8 together, beginning to like this cartoon. Its rather ironic, political and sarcastic. I find it doesn't really state any values. Its like merely "laughing" at say, the condition of homosexuals, the way people treat the environment, the way people always laugh at others' mistakes and all that... creative stuff, that sets you thinking.

I think I like this sort of stuff, that's why my fav Jay Chou songs are those with a meaning or lesson behind such as the one on terracing rice fields, family violence...

Relating with people...
Yeah I do think that sometimes what I say sounds kinda "misleading" to those who may not know me. Can't give examples here because they are in Chinese!! Like someone said "everyone relates with one another differently". One skill we need to learn through our life is how to relate with people better. This dawned upon me that we may not relate or rub each other the right way all the time including your future spouse! What more our friends and sheeps and family members! But as the Bible says what is stored in our hearts will come out in our speech and I believe also in the little things we do, character is a huge part of our ability to relate with one another.

Unclean thoughts, envy, jealousy, fear, bitterness, hatred, selfishness, rebellion, lies; all these things spoils relationship. It breaks trust and it also breaks God's heart. That's why to be a love and fellowshipping church, its impossible if everyone is not moving forward in their relationship with God first. People do certain things that has "presentational" value in relating at times. However to relate long term and deeper, we need more than that.

Was just speaking with Chris a while ago, as we were discussing things, we encouraged one another to love and walk with God ever more closely. Sometimes this emphasis disappears when we get busy. When we lead people we forget to take direction from God the true Master and Leader.

So do we find that we need God? This question is for the new believers in faith, for the mature believers who are in church for some time, and for leaders (shepherds to pastors).

If we find that we need God in our life (the degree that you need water for living), what difference will our activity, our dependency on Him be?

It can be head knowledge but do we act like we need God? A symptom that we feel we do not need God as much is that we do not pray. There is a few kinds of way to respond when we go through problem and difficulty.

1. is the kind that gets discouraged and drift further away from God, they find no point seeking Him. 2. the kind that gets overly anxious and starts to seek God like mad but when problems go away, they turn mild in their relationship with Him. 3. the kind that hopes and trusts in Him, very steady, as steady as before. just remain strong but never fall. 4. still hopes and trusts in God but draw closer to God even more and from there the relationship advanced further.

This is by experience and I have responded the above 4 before. I really wanna know I need God in my life like never before. Things will be different if we are people who seeks Him like never before! We should not be Christians who just think we need God for salvation. We need God for EVERYTHING!

God is someone we gotta seek as the greatest treasure in our life!

A quote by an intellectual atheist who believed in Jesus eventually.
A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg - or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us.
-C.S. Lewis-

There's not an option open for us to ignore Jesus as whether God or devil. There's no option (extremely speaking) that for those who come to believe in Him, to act like He is less than who He is, in the role and importance in various aspects of our lives.

Philippians 3:10
I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.

Paul wanted to know God so much more, and loved Him by willing to go through so much hardship and he find it worthwhile to be "in the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings" this way.

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