Friday, July 4, 2008

Today had a day in NYP! Met up with Suherman and I encouraged him to spend quiet time with God and be hungry for God's Word. Indeed I see how his life will surely change if he seek God with God's Word which also tells us God's will more and also prayer. These 2 fundamental disciplines of a Christian life is really something that its so fundamental we often forget but its something of a priority of a lifetime we must not neglect!

I think its a matter of heart for all of us... Prayer and the Word, we can say so lightly. Some people spend with joy and so much enthusiasm God's voice is ever beside them. Some do it reluctantly, will see the change but its slower. Many people sees the need to do it, but we all do it in different enthusiasms or priority in our lives. Let's aim to be hungry always for God's Word and thirsty for His presence. If we have the kind of healthy hunger always and keep it that way, I believe our spiritual health will be sound!

And other than asking people to spend QT on their own, I recommend once in a while we gather and spend qt together, ask questions to one another, we can make it fun like a quiz... we can share the learnings and share the context of the passage so that the reading will have more clarity, in this way people can then find God's Word useful.

The Bible is like a map. It lays uncountable treasures ahead but you have to read it the right way and read it with faith. If you always doubt the map you have, its unlikely you'll find the treasures yeah...

Today I asked once again about the printing of two very basic yet important manuals we should have - 18 lessons and Principles of Evangelism. One is outreach, the other is follow-up. If you do both well, your group will grow. But it don't seem to be a very important thing to some. I wonder is it I fail to communicate or people haven't seen the value of it yet, or is it too much things to do? a little sad man... Nevertheless I was determined that some things get done by TODAY! No more tomorrows and tomorrows. And through sheer effort, I managed to get hold of the soft copy, saved it to Weihong's portable hard drive and prepared to print. Who knows, we went business block the PC can't detect his drive, the nursing block pc was spoilt! Thank God the IT block pc worked! I was a little greedy - I ordered 5 sets of 18lessons with binding! Its sooo sooo thick I end up carrying 3 of them home with the help of Weihong and Chris. (we need to rearrange the format of the document to make it more easy-to-carry, for now 18 lessons just seems like a stack of lecture notes)

And just before this, we were at North canteen, Weihong's computer is so unique; it doesn't have a taskbar (the base on your screen thingy with the start buttons etc)!! I sincerely tried to solve the issues by fiddling with his comp but it got worse!! Now his laptop is in such a bad shape he has no choice but to send it for repair. He has warranty though. It is my will that he send his comp to repair asap. I don't think he will send it to repair if it is still workable without that taskbar thing as he can still live with 60% functionality and cos of inconvenience... but its not my desire and hope his laptop gets worse ya know.... was feeling bad about it but I think nonetheless his computer woes can be solved once and for all now since I made it worse...

Praise God for today!

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