Wednesday, July 30, 2008

On 7 July, there is this very cool news eh! Check this OUT!

BEIJING: China will provide free copies of the Bible during the Olympic Games to athletes, spectators, tourists and anyone else who wants one.
About 10,000 bilingual copies of the Bible will be distributed in the Olympic Village, which houses athletes and media, according to Monday's China Daily, quoting Li Chunnong, general manager of the Nanjing-based Amity Printing Co., the country's largest publisher of Christian works. Another 30,000 copies of the New Testament will also be available during the games, he said.

According to earlier Olympic practices, the Bibles will be available mainly through churches or the Olympic Village. None will be provided in public hotels. Places of worship for other religions will also be available at the Olympic Village, said Chen Guangyan, head of the Islamic Association of China.

Rev. Xu Xiaohong of the Shanghai-based China Christian Council in charge of publishing was quoted as saying 50,000 bilingual editions of the four Gospels were being shipped to the six cities hosting Olympic events.

The cover of the Gospels — the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John — will sport an Olympics logo, he said.

"This is especially significant (because) as far as I know, this is the first time an Olympics logo will be used on a religious booklet," Xu was quoted as saying. "The Olympic spirit and the spirit of living a purpose-driven life that Christians believe in come together in the combination."
Last fall, China had to combat allegations of religious intolerance when false media reports surfaced that Bibles would be banned during the games. A U.S. senator called up the Chinese ambassador to the U.S. to demand an explanation.

Angry games' organizers flatly denied the reports. The Foreign Ministry said the inaccurate reports from a religious news agency and European media were started by people who wanted to sabotage the games.

Religious texts and items from major religious groups are allowed to be brought in for personal use by athletes and visitors. However, that does not extend to the Falun Gong spiritual movement, which was banned by the communist government as an "evil cult."

China faces routine criticism for its human rights violations and its repression of religious freedom. Religious practice is heavily regulated by the Communist Party, with worship allowed only in party-controlled churches, temples and mosques, while those gathering outside face harassment, arrest and terms in labor camps or prison.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Giving & Educating

Visited the exhibition at Nat Library about two greatly respected founding fathers of Singapore - Tan Kah Kee and Lee Kong Chian.

They are amazingly generous towards giving back to the society, these made them respected by the community and their influence kept growing. They particularly gave to education.

Tan Kah Kee story - Son asks him to buy something (a gadget or what at that time); refused. School asks for a donation to repair the toilets, he gave $200. That is a huge amount at that time, because even the wealthier people gave $10 at most and the poorer folks gave 20 cents to $1.

There was once his business went into a downturn and he decided to sell his business, at a condition that they continue to give to education and finance the schools. The people who bought his business tried to persuade him to stop financing the schools until the business start to recover. He refused. He said his life is to give back to society and if he can't give to education, he find it pointless to have business. That's amazingly selfless kind of thinking. Although he is very wealthy, he lived very very modestly, almost stingily. He was a little too sacificial, and he left nothing for his children.

A quote from him:"What must not be spent, not even a single cent should be spent for it. What must be spent must be spent, even tens of thousands of it!" (in Chinese)

Lee Kong Chian - the son-in-law of Tan, also gave generously and continued the efforts of Tan.

What I admired about both of them is that they never really do anything for themselves, yet the more wealth they have, the more they gave. They did not just give 10% of their wealth or calculate but their giving is generous. How many of the rich people today are as generous? In Singapore currently? But I know Bill Gates and Warren Buffett's great generoisity.

In the Chinese community at that time, Tan and Lee rose greatly in influence and leadership because they work for the benefit of the people and the society. People supported them as they know they are working for people and not to seek some benefits. They see education as something that will prosper and give the people a good life in the future and they were utmost generous for the progress of it.

I think great leaders love people. Great leaders look after and care for people. That's greatness. Like King David, he has a shepherd's heart. He looked at the Israelites as sheeps that need to be cared for. No matter how many people are we taking care of in church now, whether 1 or 20 or 100 or thousands, this must never change! If it changes, God will not be pleased...

When we truly take good care of God's sheep, anointing, influence and leadership come by God's grace. That's also why we must teach people God's Word and make sure everyone receive it.

We gotta spend on things that lasts more, rather than in just on entertainment for ourselves, which is meaningless at times...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

This photo is just so funny - only Chris' mouth is not opened. Got it from Stanley's blog. This photo is taken after a simple celebration with Joy for her 21st birthday!!

My dad has also turned another year wiser on the 24th! More people's birthdays are to come!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bond Breaking & Giving

If you've seen a old man, the age of your grandfather, picking up the waste mails and flyers on the void deck, how would you feel? Or what would you do???


To a newspaper article recently... Its about scholarship bonds. One on bond breakers and the other on giving out scholarships to the more needy groups.

On bond breakers, why is there bond breakers? Why is there people who were not so willing to come back to Singapore to serve the nation? One of the example featured was Mr Wee(now in Google USA) who emailed back and said something like he thinks his role in life is to serve the world than just Singapore itself. I think some of the really smart and talented group of people might choose to remain overseas instead of coming back to serve their bonds is because of a thing called Vision. Bonds given out here are mostly trying to induce a sense of gratefulness to the country and letting you have a stable and good ricebowl. We'd say you are there because of the country and you ought to come back as an obligation. But just like Mr Wee, he might want to do something for the world rather than just for Singapore itself.

Furthermore, after reading about the Law Society (on the same day's papers) wanting to be given more leeway for lawyers and members of the society to debate/discuss about laws instead of just serving the purpose of the Law ministry, I feel there's a correlation between the want for change and the reason for remaining overseas, of perhaps some bond breakers. If they are really so smart and talented, do they think that Singapore is a place where they can effect change and fully utilise their gifts? Would they rather put their intellect into places where they are FREE to effect change and do anything they want? I'm just asking; is our system too stiff for that?

-is our society just pushing for things only favourable to the policymakers?
-is our emphasis on education and jobs holistic?
-is our systems in organisations or public services too stiff for any major change or overhaul (if needed)?
-what is the view of our scholars of our society in this 21st century?
-do people think S'pore is too good and too "hierarchical" for them to add any more value?

Also, scholars who have went overseas probably have experienced the difference of liberty and freedom of speech/expression, that they find more restricting here. Furthermore, Singapore is rather westernized and influenced by the western world, though we still consider ourselves according to our local ethnicity, we are more open to western ideas (much more than our Asian counterparts that we forgot that we are in Asia!). Few people who stay in overseas long enough will match the difference in freedom, society shape-up, overseas and locally, with the reason that we are an Asian society and is more conservative. People will always think "why can't we be as free as them?" This is a factor we might consider in the perception of society for those educated abroad.

As for personal reasons, I think vision is the thing that make or break the bonds (scholarship bonds). Are they people who wants to change things? Are they people who want to effect change in the management levels or systems that they find non beneficial? Is the overall perception of the bond-giving org open to change? Are we opening our doors wide for ideas? Perhaps the conservatism spirit might be linked to stiffen creativity or just let things remain "traditionally in organisations". This will deter young blooded people full of drives who wants to "change the world" from coming back instead, to a world that they view will recognise their niche and fullest potential.

Now on giving out scholarships, I really think Mr Philip Yeo did the right thing by giving the scholarships to those who come from a more needy family, if given both students attain the same grades. Afterall, the newspaper states that the "majority" of Public Service Commission (PSC)scholarship holders live in landed property.

Scholarships is a way, and should be a platform where the smarts compete based on academic achievements and aptitude for learning, regardless of background. We shouldn't give scholarships to those who don't need (as much), or else in this way, the ones that always rise up are the richer ones who can afford and they come back and hold the posts that previous elite seniors left, the cycle just keeps going on. There ought to be more chances and a tweak of our meritocracy that allows the people from the bottom 20%(in income) that are outstanding to rise up. There is outstanding ones from the lower income, but they might be in any way, disadvantaged in getting the scholarships. That 'ship' has sailed to somewhere richer and more familiar.

We should see that the number of people who got prestigious scholarships in the future, not just from elite families, but it should be on par with the underprivileged. There may be more outstanding ones from the elite groups not getting scholarships, for those who are more underpriviliged to get that chance. That, in my view, should be the result and objective of a meritocratic society. :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wheww God is really so good and awesome! I think now NYP is really in the midst of leadership trainings and more people are rising up in faith...

When I told Evangeline about the IMF campaign, immediately she became excited about the campaign and ideas just kept flowing in, it was great to discuss things with her. Stanley and Evan also made great teamwork together. I thought of cards cut into the shape of fruits but they thought of seeds made of cans instead! Hmmm it is cool, true...we need to let people see they are seeds now that needs to be watered instead of fruits that just "popped" out. And yesterday was the launch of it. Hope these 3 months will really be fruitful for everyone of us, even for those who are not at the initial launch. I would like really like to thank Stanley and Evan. I thought of the idea but they owned the idea and bring it to flight. Its a nice thing to think of haha..

Thanks Liyan, Andrew, Joel and Ace for waiting for me and took the effort to buy another cake and celebrate haha. The cake was really sinful with loads of chocolates. Thanks alot for your prayers too. Just when they were about to pray for me, a bunch of poly movie watchers came out too and they also joined in to pray for me. Hmmm think the news of Scotland is spreading huh. But that'll be at least 1.5-2 years time, who knows, someone may rise up to do it even before I go right? But anyway, nothing is confirmed and I'll just make a point to pray for this country in the meantime haha.

Thank God for the DMM who woke up early to have DMM meeting this morning. Really enjoy the fellowship and the many sharings which helped us discover more about one another. The sharings are covenanted so I will not say any of it here HAHA. Yeah we worshipped, we prayed too, which I hope to do more regularly with them. Perhaps we may rotate DMM meetings at people's homes more often huh... some of them already expressed their houses could be opened and mine is included too! Our cafe meetings is a little too "professional" which I don't really like, I liked the tea though :)

Really glad to have such funny bunch of people in this team and they are always so joyful. We are not all naturally funny but because everyone's experiences is unique it just became funny hahaha We're into leadership training now. I was thinking that time we had 3 or 4 CLs when we had 35, imagine what it'd be like if we train 6, 7 or even 10 quality leaders by the end of this year who will own the vision, own the campus, has God's ideal in his heart, they will go out and bring forth the gospel in a powerful manner. I believe it! Everyone in the team believes it too. "woe" to those who do not believe heh heheh.

I really pray this team will also in turn have a strong team. That is Jesus' principle - teamwork. Teams that work together, has synergy, unity can accomplish great things! Soon, there will be many more to join the dmm team, then they join the team of those in the dmm and as they accomplish more, more teams just kept coming up and this will never stop! I pray for this team that Huimei and I have, that they will love one another, keeping the spirit of unity and bond of peace and yep feel free to do what God asks them to! Just so privileged to serve God with all of you!!

Oh yeah Mingxiu is finally back! Yeah and I really wanna go Hong Kong LC! Desiree and Joy is going, if they go, I'd be the only one in the dmm who haven't attended the LC lol!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Indeed today 5th July, there's so many things to rejoice about!!

First of all, wanna wish Weikang a happy joyous 17th birthday! Yeah its your first birthday in church, I hope you feel touched by the love and the smashing of cake by your own beloved shepherd hahaha I really thank God for a soft heart you have for Jesus and a strong desire to know Him! The things you are going through now is very real. I believe God wants to show you that He will be more real than anything else. He will help you overcome the problems you face and even use you to become a shepherd. Trust God for big things yea, thank God for ya!!

The CLM was cool. There was no teaching but the testimonies really encouraged! I think both of the testimony sharers are not afraid to share their 'down' sides, they were very frank. I believe God wants to inspire hope to everybody. Like what Jasmine said, I fully agree with not letting tertiary ministry be just a passing route for members of the church. There should be a long term training and growing going on then people graduate and plant church. We are not going to be members forever because someday we hope to play a part in God's drama of the world!!

The video being played on the missions of Africa by Hope Pictures really inspires me. I am humbled by the Hope Bangkok RL who is being used by God to do such a great work in Africa. He said something like "the people there were very poor and in poverty but on the spiritual side, it is in contrary. They were very open to God." I never doubted the quality of churches being planted by Hope Bangkok... I saw their spirit in Bangkok, they never have fancy tricks or gimmicks to build church or start groups. Whatever they do, they do to their best in making it a biblical church. If you teach biblically and expositorily, I think we have a higher chance to send most or all of them to heaven and they last while they are on earth too... hahaha, I wanna start praying for Africa too...

And last thing is thanks guys for staying late to wait for me... really appreciate that. You guys are the bunch of people I really wanna spend birthdays with because all of you matter alot.

Thank God for people who walked up to me for their words of affirmation and encouragement. I will really strive to grow in relationship with God more and be a Spirit-filled person this coming year. This brings back the idea of "anointing" which I've been pondering about every qt in camp for the past week!! I really wanna be anointed! (not just on my email address) Anointing is something I haven't fully grasp or fully experienced I guess. Anointing comes from God so our relationship with God is very important (Thanks Joy for reaffirming this truth to me) and that includes our regular quiet time and prayer life. How much we pray is how much we depend on God. That is where God's strength is made perfect in our weaknesses too... Then we'll all be Whoo, anointed!

Anointing is God's enablement, through the Holy Spirit, to do works of God. It will not be our works, but God at work in us, then through us His work is being done! Amen.

Anointing really makes a difference. That's why two person, both can do the same things yet see different results. Why? One has anointing which allows God to carry him to do and complete God's work. The other will make many futile efforts with his own strength. I would say in Hope church, there are already many anointed people. Peter Truong, Pastor David Chen, Pastor PN, Dr Joseph and many more whom I don't even know their names! In this movement, it is really possible to see Great Commission fulfilled when anointing flows down, when biblical churches are being built and will eventually multiply everywhere!! That's the kind of church I long to build for Christ' return... Ohhh so excited. I wanna love You more Father, help me to keep me in your ways always.

oh, one more little nugget of good news. there is this very famous person in youth last time who had made a great impact in her school but eventually left somehow. I don't know her personally but I prayed for her before. Today amazingly saw her outside Nexus, I suppose is to go to service. Let's not be stingy with prayers because you never know how God works in the future! It's a pity when leaders leave because they are already agents of change and pioneering spirit is in them and they have followers etc. When people leave, the Kingdom will get affected. I hope not only this person but more and more who have left will come back. It requires humility and courage to come back ya know. But we'd like to help those who fall to stand up once more! Come back stronger and with a better perspective, clearer vision too. There are quite a few examples of people who have left and came back stronger too...

Let's really grow NYP strong and never stop growing ok. I'm sure we can do it with all of you guys in prayer, in deed and in spirit :)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Today had a day in NYP! Met up with Suherman and I encouraged him to spend quiet time with God and be hungry for God's Word. Indeed I see how his life will surely change if he seek God with God's Word which also tells us God's will more and also prayer. These 2 fundamental disciplines of a Christian life is really something that its so fundamental we often forget but its something of a priority of a lifetime we must not neglect!

I think its a matter of heart for all of us... Prayer and the Word, we can say so lightly. Some people spend with joy and so much enthusiasm God's voice is ever beside them. Some do it reluctantly, will see the change but its slower. Many people sees the need to do it, but we all do it in different enthusiasms or priority in our lives. Let's aim to be hungry always for God's Word and thirsty for His presence. If we have the kind of healthy hunger always and keep it that way, I believe our spiritual health will be sound!

And other than asking people to spend QT on their own, I recommend once in a while we gather and spend qt together, ask questions to one another, we can make it fun like a quiz... we can share the learnings and share the context of the passage so that the reading will have more clarity, in this way people can then find God's Word useful.

The Bible is like a map. It lays uncountable treasures ahead but you have to read it the right way and read it with faith. If you always doubt the map you have, its unlikely you'll find the treasures yeah...

Today I asked once again about the printing of two very basic yet important manuals we should have - 18 lessons and Principles of Evangelism. One is outreach, the other is follow-up. If you do both well, your group will grow. But it don't seem to be a very important thing to some. I wonder is it I fail to communicate or people haven't seen the value of it yet, or is it too much things to do? a little sad man... Nevertheless I was determined that some things get done by TODAY! No more tomorrows and tomorrows. And through sheer effort, I managed to get hold of the soft copy, saved it to Weihong's portable hard drive and prepared to print. Who knows, we went business block the PC can't detect his drive, the nursing block pc was spoilt! Thank God the IT block pc worked! I was a little greedy - I ordered 5 sets of 18lessons with binding! Its sooo sooo thick I end up carrying 3 of them home with the help of Weihong and Chris. (we need to rearrange the format of the document to make it more easy-to-carry, for now 18 lessons just seems like a stack of lecture notes)

And just before this, we were at North canteen, Weihong's computer is so unique; it doesn't have a taskbar (the base on your screen thingy with the start buttons etc)!! I sincerely tried to solve the issues by fiddling with his comp but it got worse!! Now his laptop is in such a bad shape he has no choice but to send it for repair. He has warranty though. It is my will that he send his comp to repair asap. I don't think he will send it to repair if it is still workable without that taskbar thing as he can still live with 60% functionality and cos of inconvenience... but its not my desire and hope his laptop gets worse ya know.... was feeling bad about it but I think nonetheless his computer woes can be solved once and for all now since I made it worse...

Praise God for today!