Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hope in ideal amidst the reality

I'm here at Elias Road to do my first new year visitation cum night cycling. I don't know should I go night cycling cause my cousin needs to go to church tomorrow morning. hmmm..

Wonder what to do when there is bad news? Give thanks.
Giving thanks is one of the or the best antidote to a sorrowful spirit. We give thanks to what God has blessed us in other areas and what His infinite wisdom has in every situation that we cannot comprehend. He is good.

When I arrived here just now, my aunt (ex Hope Chiangmai member) told me "quick... Rong En!!" I was thinking who is Rong En??? Then the innocence of little kids that can lift up the human spirit - Micah - He's on webcam!! I shall record it down here - I was greeted as "Uncle Leslie" for the first time in my life! Kids are wonderful people. If you set a good example and care for them properly as fathers and mothers, they will become useful and great people - living fulfilled lives and being responsible people who will in turn lead the next generation. Often, we judge the greatness of people by their qualifications in the academia or social standing or wealth. But God judges people who have the right hearts! People who will live and stand righteously for Him... That is what makes the society better, not just the economy. Using money as solutions is just oh so temporary. So, back to kids, I think parents are just such a great role model and playing a noble role. Most people will have the chance to take on this role as they mature. Unfortunately, we've seen beautiful kids with violent and irresponsible parents, that resulted in kids growing up and wrecking the society to a worse level.

A few sundays ago, I was sitting in a coffee shop and a bus stopped just right outside the coffeee shop. This is because gangsterism had just happened inside the bus and the driver made the decision to get them off the bus. Even after alighting, the two boys even tried to board the bus again to beat the other party.

Hey the world isn't in pretty good condition. The church isn't too. The church is made up of imperfect people. The ideal church and the glorious is only in my heart and mind so far. The reality is far from ideal. I still hope to give birth to a church/sheeps because a church has the covering of God and the possibility of true love and righteous ruling happening. (There are non-Christians that found true love too). Just like a parent knowing his/her child is not perfect, they will still wanna give birth. The instinctive basic human reason for that is to protect, to care, to nurture and see him/her do the same likewise. I see that happening similarly when we disciple others to be disciples not of myself, but disciples of Jesus Christ.

We must not give up hope in the institution God has founded no matter its being scorn by the world or being looked down upon. We need not be very gifted, but we need to be faithful til the end. The world has failed relationships, failed marriages, failed brought-ups and immorality... The church is like a hospital with a cure for all that is happening in the social arena.

Jesus likened His relationship with the church like that of marriage. So we should not lose hope in marriage or anything fundamentally good that is being instituted by God. Its not marriage at fault, its the people involved that is wrong. Its not the feelings alone but the commitment and character etc.. Its not the church that is wrong, its elements in the Bible missing or the leadership. These are human errors that the Faithful can help to prevent. The church is likened to a nation. A nation being ruled by God. All that is happening now seems to be "shedding skin" for what is to come. His Second coming and the New World.

Let's have hope, let's strive, let's desire to build ourselves and the people around us deep and rooted in the world. Be people who initiate to change the world!

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