Sunday, October 5, 2008

Addicted To Missions

I've been back from Missions trip! With 4 wonderful team members - Jorris, Lemmuel, Magdalene & Lestari. Really enjoyed the funny times, the joy of serving the people, the team effort, everything! Unfortunately, Santono was unable to join us.

I have too much to blog. But its written in my own journal. I am addicted to missions. No matter how far the people are, we must move forward to find them, get them, help them. The effort must really be great. If we have powerful teams, like how Jesus trains the Twelve, we can go anywhere and we won't be afraid.

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Yes we will not fear anything for we know God is with us. I find that whenever we are plunged into missions, we have no choice but to know God is there. All da time! Last night I came back alone from Kuching. Its my first time travelling alone and the airport I'm arriving at is at Johor, not Changi. There is some fears of travelling on a budget airline alone, taking a taxi from JB to customs. How I wish I could stay with the team haha. However, I have to leave. I know only God is with me now; the dependency on Him just increased. As Christians, its impossible to be alone because God is omni-present. Somehow that fact deepened into us when we are overseas.

With that greater dependency on God, that's probably why we see and feel and know God is with us every step of the way during the trip. Many hiccups occurred but we never panic. Its almost an unspoken understanding that if God is not with us, we wouldn't be here. Precisely because Jesus is so real, we need to get out of our country and fulfill His plan in as many places and people as possible! It should not be just tourism mindset to get experience of other cultures or places but its missions mindset! We should step out to evangelize in our local area, to get into missions globally, God is with you! We should not fear to teach God's Word, share testimonies witnessing or personal conversion story!

Really thank God for the trip!

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