Saturday, October 11, 2008

I have a obligation to stay over in the weekends sometimes. It is like confinement yet I did nothing wrong. LOL. Anyway, its been a long time I feel, since I last went to church service. The month of September and October, I'm often away from my people. Its either overseas or overfence.

However, sometimes I do appreciate this time of "confinement" as I can use the time for myself to spend time with the Lord, or do things I might not have time to do when I'm released such as the short term missions trip report from Kuching, LOL. It gives me time to reflect, to recount and to be restored spiritually, physically etc etc. Mostly when I'm outside, I'm busy preparing this and that, meeting people, travelling on the MRT. I enjoy doing these things. I like the fast-paced at times but at times, as I'm reminded, I may be too quick and it resulted in me wanting to see things or people change almost immediately. I will see to it, to be less rushed and hustled. But I also hope everyone follow as much as possible so that together, we do not waste too much time, as with my limited time, so that together we can do something great for God in our own campus!
Here is one aspect of the missions trip I feel alot about and would really like to share about. We went to visit the famous Long Houses in Malaysia. I think me and my team have never heard of it before, we initially thought its like the houses floating on the sea ya know, but its not. Its a kind of kampung inside deep into the forests...

The Long Houses were our focal point of the trip and we were there to share the Word of God to them and pray for them etc. They are people who professed to be Christians but still has many wrong mindsets such as witchcraft and idolatry still being practiced. They were under a particular denomination but the leaders do not teach but merely hold some events or service during Christmas or Easter each year. The rest of the times, the people were mostly left to themselves.

This is really in stark contrast to what's been happening when we were there. We teach, we worship, we serve them, prayed for them and had activities with them. We danced with them on one of the nights with their local instruments and music! To me, these are one of my most treasured memories. There is an invisible embrace with one another between people from diff backgrounds, language and race.

These are people who can potentially meet together everyday to have caregroups! People who can really experience close fellowship, application of the Word and worshipping with one another together! But no one is there to lead them, the leaders got salaries from their organization, they don't know how to lead the people and they do not know how to teach or what to teach i guess. Its a boring job to be such a leader. The reason why the villagers wanna join this denomination is because of the power the denominations have. The denomination own lands and they were afraid they have no place to be buried when they die if they joined us since we do not own any lands. Its a sad case story of mindset and because of that, lost something better.

I am not saying we are better missionaries from what I described above. But I am saying leadership ought to take their roles. If we are appointed as shepherds but doesn't feed the people, Jesus will be sad.

Now, people from the foreign country may not be non-Christians all the time. It can be Christians who are not born-again, Christians who malpractice their faith or have shipwrecked their faith. Some countries such as Brazil and The Philippines have a large Christian-Catholic populations but faith is not always practiced but the situation is they profess to be Christians but seldom attend church! We have to get these people and teach to change them to be biblical people! If the Word is not taught, people will always experience much less than what the Christianity fully has to offer. God has promised us an abundant and fulfilling life ya know.
The people who are opposing the work may not always be unbelievers but may even come from within, due to structural, historical reasons whatsoever.

We can do something to missions with patience and being clear on what to teach, where to lead them and they are more than willing to follow. This is a land I really pray for a brother whom will rise up and win his village for the hope of God. In that Long House we visited, there is only one brother who is from Hope, we pray he rescue his village and give them hope, home and love. The next generation must be won!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Addicted To Missions

I've been back from Missions trip! With 4 wonderful team members - Jorris, Lemmuel, Magdalene & Lestari. Really enjoyed the funny times, the joy of serving the people, the team effort, everything! Unfortunately, Santono was unable to join us.

I have too much to blog. But its written in my own journal. I am addicted to missions. No matter how far the people are, we must move forward to find them, get them, help them. The effort must really be great. If we have powerful teams, like how Jesus trains the Twelve, we can go anywhere and we won't be afraid.

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Yes we will not fear anything for we know God is with us. I find that whenever we are plunged into missions, we have no choice but to know God is there. All da time! Last night I came back alone from Kuching. Its my first time travelling alone and the airport I'm arriving at is at Johor, not Changi. There is some fears of travelling on a budget airline alone, taking a taxi from JB to customs. How I wish I could stay with the team haha. However, I have to leave. I know only God is with me now; the dependency on Him just increased. As Christians, its impossible to be alone because God is omni-present. Somehow that fact deepened into us when we are overseas.

With that greater dependency on God, that's probably why we see and feel and know God is with us every step of the way during the trip. Many hiccups occurred but we never panic. Its almost an unspoken understanding that if God is not with us, we wouldn't be here. Precisely because Jesus is so real, we need to get out of our country and fulfill His plan in as many places and people as possible! It should not be just tourism mindset to get experience of other cultures or places but its missions mindset! We should step out to evangelize in our local area, to get into missions globally, God is with you! We should not fear to teach God's Word, share testimonies witnessing or personal conversion story!

Really thank God for the trip!