Monday, September 29, 2008

Stanley 18th on year 2008

One eyes-closed, one bug-tooth. We are brothers! Happy 18th Birthday Stanley!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Got a 24 7 duty this week. And battalion duties on saturday. I thought I could go on off on tues and wed so I might possibly teach in Maturity class. However, there was parade for a new commander of which I wasn't informed as I was then on overseas trip.

Thank God for the smooth first maturity class. Think Joy and Chris did a good job! Thank God for the mini farewell late at night for Mingxiu. Colin, Shareen, Andrew, Liyan and Huimei were there. Wish you all the best! haha

Well, hope to see my people again soon. And while I'm in camp I promised God last night, I'll work hard to be a soldier and in working for my people at the available time I have. Let's work hard to study the Word of God, writing what God has spoken to us, praying for our people and fellowshipping with God.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hong Kong 4-8Sept!

It was a really an enjoyable and unforgettable trip to Hong Kong this time. I really enjoyed the contents of this trip, though I wasn't exactly excited about the container (the place itself). Basically Hong Kong really looks like what I see on TV shows!

It was great to know our brothers and sisters from this place. Most of them can speak English and some fluent Mandarin too. One of the things I discussed with a brother called Alex is that we need to have Cantonese praise and worship songs. This might be a way that can attract Hong Kong-ers to church to worship :)

I really enjoyed all of the teachings and worship time as well as times spent talking with the pastors and leaders. I've had the privilege to ask our Hope Manila to pastor out for dinner. We had to miss that night's worship time though.. but it was truly worth it to "suck" as much as I can from him; his spirit, his life, his ministry etc.. Also gotten a few contacts from a few other leaders. Really appreciate their open heart. I really thank God for keeping me focused and my eyes fixed on the LC for the first 3 days yupp. God really spoke alot alot, God indeed moved in the spirit of many people. God touched my heart. How much more should we be faithful to God!

Acts 26:19
"So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven.

Paul proved himself obedient and faithful since the day he received that vision from God.

Wow, though we've only been at HK for a few days, I really miss the bros and sis' in Singapore and they were on our mind in prayers. I will think of how is caregroups, service, are they ok, leadership etc... haha but I know in such situations, we can only count on God and commit everything into His hands!

A number of people fell sick during the trip too. Yeah sometimes it is our responsibility to ensure they have rest also and not just being concerned of their fun itinerary because primarily, health is more important than the fun right? Protection. Though this is the first time for most of us to HK but there will definitely be opportunities in the future; this I'm just pretty certain.

There is a lot of work to be done - we r truly excited about the Great Commission. I've seen so many people excited about the vision and they are so serious about it. I no longer feel overly burdened anymore because all of us are determined to finish the cake, the world. There are so many more people who are going through tough times and we all rejoice because "consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds.." it develops our character, our skill in building the church, our faith and our victory!

A few people asked me about Scotland. It seems like whenever people ask me about my plans after NS or what is the country I have burdened for, it will always link back to Scotland as one of the options. It is an opening door for me. I have never thought of going Europe before because it is really expensive and I ain't particularly drawn to the Western society because I feel the Africans need Jesus more. However if it is really an opened door right in front of me, I think I should not choose but walk into it in obedience to the Great Commission. But who knows? God has great plans and I never say anything is confirmed until it is confirmed. We should not just go to countries we like or cultures that interest us because if we don't book any available country then we'll never be able to finish the "cake". We book the "piece of cake" of first - by prayer, by preaching. If someone goes ahead of us, praise God! If there is no one else but us, then hallelujah we r counted into this great plan of His!

Won't the vision be a piece of cake if everyone thinks this way?

And what we all ought to do is to be faithful in the little things and God will add upon us! Be a shepherd of one to three persons if you are not yet a shepherd. Be a shepherd first! Shepherd and follow up faithfully. Be dilligent and faithful in prayers of people and ministry + our own spiritual life, very important. Samuel as a leader considered it a sin to not pray for Israel! We have to pray!

With God, we can! See u all on the 14th Sept alright!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

4-8 Sept - Hong Kong LC
9-13 Sept - Macau and China

14 Sept - NYP Reunion with the Alumnis!

15 Sept - First Maturity Class for all for FREE

Its been a long time since I last visited a caregroup of ours. I really see the value that every care member do everything and perform the role and tasks given excellently. I remember in the past, nothing we do is routine but we always seek to do whatever that warms people's heart and let people see the love of God, whether through bulletin by drawing caricatures of every member, the beautiful handwritten or typed-out lyrics, and not forgetting the worship that soaks us in the presence of God!

There is so many elements we need to be laying...

Teaching in balance.
Miraculous signs and wonder, people praying, sick healed..
Excellence in everything we do...
Leadership training....
Using spiritual giftings.....
Bearing fruits of the Spirit in our daily walk......
Missions minded and prayerful for it.......
Powerful praying community........
Caring for the needy.........

And much more, this is the most exciting project for God is so real!!