Friday, June 1, 2007

Yesterday was the missions conference.. The thing that i looked forward the most was the workshop and it's really great to hear pastor Jo share about his experience in Africa. And the class was pretty cheeky. One of the quiz questions was "name one historical missionary to Africa" and one person said "pastor Jo and Kristine (his wife)" lol...

Overall the workshop was quite cool and surprisingly despite only like 4 hours of sleep the night before, we don't really feel tired at all. Hope that this missions conference can stir up a bit more on some of our brothers and sisters.

I am not really a fan of conferences. In urban places, there are dozens of conferences but probably the total amount spent on fancy conferences exceeded the money spent on the field.

If we can make anybody who enters the church straightaway know about the vision and that God is really doing a work in our lives, people starts to have a vision and mission and they just simply want to be part of it, that is really powerful. It's really good that people are creating awareness of missions but the start of their spiritual life and their foundation is very important too for it is not the planting of a church per se that enables us to fulfill the Great Commission. It is building the RIGHT kind of churches that Jesus want so that they can multiply themselves and fill the earth. Let's not do something that is not good, do something and do it well.

Globalisation is really very real in this Movement. Once in a while the leaders will be overseas to attend leadership conference of the movement, and some you will not see them for some weeks to years because they are on missions trip or for some, you may only see them on msn. Just few weeks ago, a friend from another church is going to one part of Thailand to share the good news by holding a evangelistic event. The people there are tribal people and lived in refugees' camp. I told him I would pray for him and that to be careful of his safety. I thank God for his willingness as he even said he is even willing to die there...

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